My name is Lars, I’m 50 years old and originally trained as an electronics engineer and has worked in the IT industry for most of my life. I have for many years been more interested in working with the body: Bondage, massage and other things related to the body, mind and the whole person.
My interest in bondage started as a fantasy, as a young man, to tie my girlfriend to my bed. I could not find anything of the kind in the magazines I read, or otherwise “see that kind of stuff” in any places, so I thought that it probably was only perverse people who did that kind and I were really quite normal. So the fantasy was put away without being tried. I should be almost 40 years old before I was old enough to break from the “norm” and what others would think. Then the fantasy of rope was found again. I got my first rope in my hands and it has been my passion ever since.
I was so extraordinarily lucky that I very quickly got in touch with some open and welcoming people who were willing to help me on the way. Yukinaga Max was in the first several years my primary teacher ..
In the year 2010 opened Copenhagen Shibari Dojo and I was a student in the first team. Later I became an instructor and graduated up to 4.kyu in Osada Ryu. I have used 1000 of hours in the dojo, with wonderful people and learned alot. I got lots of contacts, inspiration and support over the years, but at some point you grow apart. Therefore, I am no longer a part of Copenhagen Shibari Dojo.
I have over the years participated in workshops and were trained by a number of instructors : Yukinaga Max, Osada Steve, Haruki Yukimura and many others. I am co-founder of Kinbaku Lounge, which is the organizer of rope events and offers various bondage-related activities.
I have taught many hundred hours of bondage and held 30+ workshops in Denmark and other countries.
I am interested in Tao, Tantra, Acupressure, Shiatsu and Japanese bondage. The sessions I give all contain elements from that.
I can be contacted here